
The broad aims of the Association are:-

1. To provide worthwhile contact between the parents, teachers and children of Plumtree School.

2. To promote the good name of the school.

3. To organise fund-raising events to enable additional educational equipment to be acquired for the school.

Funds raised to date have assisted towards the purchase of:

  • Playground Equipment and markings
  • Musical Instruments
  • PE Equipment
  • Computer Hardware & Software Interactive Whiteboards
  • iPads
  • School mini bus

The Association is over 30 years in existence.

The group consists of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members. The structure of the group is informal and all parents are welcome to attend meetings and join in if they wish.

The committee meets regularly (approx. 3 or 4 times per year) to plan various functions and events. Communication with the parental body is achieved by means of the School Notice Board and circulars concerning particular events.

The role of the Association is defined in the Aims above. Issues concerning curriculum, school policy and organisation do not fall within the scope of the Association.

The School has its own second-hand uniform shop, organised by parents