Plumtree School is an inclusive school keen to identify the strengths and areas of challenges of each individual child. All staff work together to ensure pupils with special educational needs are supported throughout a school day. Support strategies, targets and interventions are developed with input from staff, parents and the pupil to enable a pupil to make continued progress. It may be that these are needed for a short period of time or throughout the pupil’s time at school. Where specific needs are identified requiring more specialist support we will support parents with accessing assessments. We have regularly worked alongside Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, physiotherapists and Schools and Families Services along with other specialist services.

Our SENDCo Miss Laura Dennis is contactable via 0115 9375859 and

Useful Links

Nottinghamshire County Council has gathered information on SEN services and support for those aged 0-25 onto the following website: Notts SEND Local Offer website

Nottinghamshire Healthy Families Teams offer support to parents via this website: Nottinghamshire Healthy Families Teams website