Communicating with parents is seen as essential at Plumtree School in developing a home school partnership and developing the best possible learning journey for each child.

Written Communication

Formal Written Reports are both summative and informative; they provide information on children’s individual progress and achievements. An overview of the child’s performance goes out in November. A full comprehensive subject based report is published in July.

Home/School Reading Records provide a two-way communication about each child’s progress in reading. These records are exchanged regularly, with teachers/teaching assistants supporting children with their reading on a regular basis.

Individual notebooks are provided for some children so that general information about achievements, behaviour etc. can be shared on a regular basis.

Information emails and letters from the Head Teacher are also sent out when required. Weekly email notices (the What’s On) inform all parents of the coming week’s events.

Facebook Page and other social media for regular updates and photographs.

Verbal Communication

Formal Parents’ Evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring terms (Reception children also have the opportunity for a parents’ meeting in the Summer Term to discuss the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile). Parents have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. School records are used to inform these meetings and examples of the child’s work are available for parents to view. Parents are also made aware of how they can play a positive role in the education of their child.

Open Evening for parents is held in the summer term and is a chance for parents to meet the teachers who will be teaching their child in the following academic year/s.

Tea and Targets provides a chance for parents to sit with their children and look at their work.

Early Years Stay and Play sessions provide an opportunity for the Early Years parents to get an insight into the children’s every day learning.

Staff accessibility for parents is important at Plumtree School. Members of staff are located at various points around school during drop off and collection allowing for the passing on of messages or thoughts and concerns. The Senior Management Team greet parents and children personally at the school gate each morning and afternoon allowing parents the opportunity of conversation and discussion of any issues or concerns.

Answers to your questions – Problems, worries, concerns or simply a need for information! We are always available to discuss any aspect of school. If the area of concern is pressing, please come in at 8.30am (Do remember, we all begin teaching promptly at 8.50am) If it can wait, an appointment after school is preferable. We are available, approachable and give absolute priority to your child’s educational welfare.