
Mrs Tess Slight: Head of Early Years/Reception Teacher

Mrs Karen Robinson: Nursery Leader

Miss Tanya Moroz-Wilson: Teaching Assistant

Mrs Victoria Niemczenko: Teaching Assistant

Mrs Amber Peet: Teaching Assistant

Miss Leah Cotton: Teaching Assistant

The Foundation Stage Day

• Nursery sessions are:

8.50 to 11.50 & 12.30 to 15.30

• Reception day:

8.50 to 15.30

Drop off and Collection Routines in the Foundation Stage

• Children are supervised from 8.30 in the playground.

• Until they are settled, the nursery children may be brought straight into the classroom.

• Early Years parents are asked to drop children off at the gate and wait outside the Infant lobby to collect their children.

• The children are encouraged to greet the member of staff on gate duty.

• Small toys and books may be brought into school for the Nursery children. They can act as useful talking points and can be taken outside to be played with at lunchtime.

• From the outset children are encouraged to be as independent as possible (e.g. hanging up their coats, putting their lunch boxes and snacks away).

• We will only release children into the care of individuals named by a parent. Please speak to your class teacher, fill in the relevant form or telephone in advance to inform us of any changes to routine.

Food and Drink in the Foundation Stage

• Children are required to bring a packed lunch to school if they are not having a Hot Meal; lunch boxes are stored in a cool, but not refrigerated area of school.

• Please do your best to provide a balanced school lunch. Crisps and snacks are fine but please do not include sweets.

• At lunchtime any leftovers are left in their lunchboxes in order for parents to monitor “likes and dislikes” and to indicate how much has been eaten.

• Staff on lunch duty will help children to open containers, but we ask that no cans or fizzy drinks are included.

• The children may have a healthy snack at morning break-time. (fruit or raw vegetables – no chocolate, biscuits or sweets).

All children are provided with milk every morning, but may bring their own drink if this is preferred. Water is available at all times.

Toileting and Clothes in the Foundation Stage

  • We expect children to use the toilet independently, but if parents have any concerns on this matter we will be happy to discuss these with you.
  • Uniform requirements are listed in this handbook.
  • Cagoules are required all year round.
  • Please name all items clearly.
  • Please ensure your child has spare trousers/tights/socks/pants etc in their P.E bag, even if they do not usually have accidents (nursery especially).
  • We usually have spare clothes to change children into if necessary, so please return any clothes you borrow from us.

Additional Information for the Foundation Stage

• All parents may have contact with our teaching staff daily, enabling any queries to be dealt with quickly.

• Teaching staff monitor and assess children in order to record their progress on Seesaw and provide work that challenges children appropriately. Parents can access this log from home.

• We will administer prescribed medicine to children. Parents are responsible for delivering their child’s medicine personally to the class teacher each day and for asking to collect it from a member of staff at the end of each day. A form will need to be signed.

If you require any further information please come and see us before or after school.