Infant PE

These lessons gradually become more formal and competitive as children get older. The uniform list states what your child will need. It is a great help if children can dress and undress independently. We are always there to help with difficult items but please encourage your child to: do up shirt/blouse buttons, put on trousers/dresses, socks/tights and shoes.

Junior P.E. / Sports

Children will have a P.E. session (taught in class groups) and a Games session (Netball, football, Cross Country, Rounders, Cricket or Athletics) each week. These sessions make use of local facilities and enable pupils to develop and acquire skills in a variety of sporting settings.

Burnside Hall – P.E. lessons

Plumtree Cricket Field – Cricket, Football, Hockey, Rounders, Athletics

West Bridgford Tennis Centre – Tennis

Some children will be invited to represent the school and participate in matches and tournaments against other schools similar to Plumtree. Football and netball matches are arranged on a friendly basis and can be played at home or away venues. Parents are welcome to come along to support.

Junior Swimming

The Juniors go for swimming lessons every other Wednesday afternoon at Keyworth Swimming Pool. Swimming begins at 3pm and the Juniors swim for a 30 minute session, ending at 3:30pm. They are taken to the pool by minibus and are collected from the pool by parents as their session ends. Juniors staying for after-school care are brought back to school by minibus. Children can compete in the school swimming gala and other external galas.